Forest4Climate&People at the IUCN World Conservation Congress

Madagascar had a prominent presence at the IUCN World Conservation Congress with a substantial delegation led by the Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development herself (Dr Baomiavotse Vahinala Raharinirina). The aim of the delegation was to build partnerships to support effective conservation of Madagascar's biodiversity.

Julia Jones from Forest4Climate&People was at the congress working closely with the Director General of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Julien Noel Rakotoarisoa and others from the Malagasy delegation including Alain Liva Raharijaona from the the Madagascar Biodiversity Foundation (FAPBM). We are working together on the reforms the ministry is leading to improve social outcomes from protected areas.

Julien Noel Rakotoarisoa has said "We have seen that overall local people often do not percieve any tangible benefit from conservation. This is why we (the ministry) are renewing out contracts with protected area managers. Now we are reforming our conservation policy and we invite all partners including development organizations, to support us in implementing the reforms".



Publication date: 10 September 2021